Joyful Noise Chorus Brings Together Singers with Physical and Neurological Challenges and Acquired Brain Injuries- Morristown, New Jersey

Joyful Noise, founded in 2000 by director Allison Fromm and her sister, Beth Fromm, has created a singing community comprised of 45 adults ages 17-70 with physical and neurological challenges and acquired brain injuries.  The ensemble is hosted by Bancroft, a non-profit provider for individuals with brain injuries, autism, and intellectual disabilities, in southern New Jersey and Delaware.  “Joyful Noise fosters an atmosphere of community, acceptance, and teamwork in which members can discover their voices and express themselves through music.”  The chorus serves as a model and a resource for similar ensembles that seek to develop in their members a sense of pride, confidence, and the potential to contribute to our world.

“Joyful Noise has given more than eighty performances in New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Illinois and has shared concerts with Harmonium, Western Wind, and Alice Parker. With funding from the Philadelphia Eagles Community Quarterback program, Joyful Noise is commissioning new works by recognized choral composers: Chester Alwes, James Bassi, Gerald Cohen, Edie Hill, Rob Kennan, Elliot Levine, J. David Moore, Nick Page, Alice Parker, Steven Sametz, and Jon Washburn.  Joyful Noise members truly love to sing, perform and share from their hearts. Their love of music is reaching across the nation, so that other adults with disabilities will have the chance to sing and share in the joy that comes from being a part of a performing ensemble.”