Since 2001, the One Voice Chorus, under the direction of Dr. Lynn Gary Atkins, Jr., has created an intentionally integrated community of singers that promises “radical inclusion” in Virginia’s capital city. “We are founded on the belief that all people benefit from an understanding of the diverse world around us. We are dedicated to the idea that uniting people together of different backgrounds promotes not only kindness and respect, but an embrace of those differences. By demonstrating there is so much more that unites us than divides us, we can help our community find the power in our collective strength.”
The group of 100 non-auditioned singers performs three concerts a year, and their auditioned ensemble performs at public events, and benefits for choral education and social justice. “All are welcome to sing the beauty and power of diversity in an atmosphere of openness, inclusiveness, mutual respect, and fun. Those who join us experience friendships, and collaboration with people they may not have met otherwise and these opportunities open minds and hearts, one person and one voice to another.” The group has collaborated with the Richmond Symphony, Petersburg Symphony, SoundWorks Voice Ensemble of Central Virginia, the Gospel Choir of Armstrong High School, Richmond, Rock N’ Roll Chorus of NJ, and the Howard University Gospel Choir.